Thursday 17 October 2024

SCO Summit was successful. Why nomention of Kashmir? Speech of India’s Foreign Minister. Peace and stability.

 SCO Summit was successful. Why no mention of Kashmir? Speech of India’s Foreign Minister. Peace and stability.


The people of Jammu and Kashmir need to change their strategies, violence and hatred are not the way forward.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Speech of the Foreign Minister of India at SCO Summit in Islamabad 2024.

 Speech of the Foreign Minister of India at SCO Summit in Islamabad 2024.

India's National Statement delivered by External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar at the 23rd Meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of Government in Islamabad

 October 16, 2024


Your Excellency the Prime Minister of Pakistan,


Namaskar! Dobrye Utro!


1.   At the outset, let me congratulate Pakistan for its Presidency of the SCO Council of Heads of Government this year. India has extended its full support for a successful Presidency.


2.   We meet at a difficult time in world affairs. Two major conflicts are underway, each with its own global repercussions. The Covid pandemic has left many in the developing world deeply devastated. Disruptions of various kinds – ranging from extreme climate events to supply chain uncertainties and financial volatility – are impacting growth and development. Debt is a serious concern, even as the world falls behind in achieving SDG targets. Technology holds great promise, as well as raising a new host of concerns. How should the members of the SCO respond to these challenges?



3.   The answers lie in the Charter of our organization. And I urge you to reflect on Article 1 that spells out the goals and tasks of the SCO. Let me summarize it for our collective consideration. The objective is to strengthen mutual trust, friendship and good neighbourliness. It is to develop multi-faceted cooperation, especially of a regional nature. It is to be a positive force in terms of balanced growth, integration and conflict prevention. The Charter was equally clear what the key challenges were. And these were primarily three, that the SCO was committed to combatting: one, terrorism; two, separatism; and three, extremism.



4.   If we fast-forward from the inception of the Charter to the situation today, these goals and these tasks are even more crucial. It is, therefore, essential that we have an honest conversation. If trust is lacking or cooperation inadequate, if friendship has fallen short and good neighbourliness is missing somewhere, there are surely reasons to introspect and causes to address. Equally, it is only when we reaffirm our commitment most sincerely to the Charter that we can fully realize the benefits of cooperation and integration that it envisages.




5.   This is not just an endeavor for our own benefit. We all realize that the world is moving towards multi-polarity. Globalization and rebalancing are realities that cannot be denied. Cumulatively, they have created many new opportunities in terms of trade, investment, connectivity, energy flows and other forms of collaboration. There is no question that our region would benefit immensely if we take this forward. Not just that, others too would draw their own inspiration and lessons from such efforts.


6.   However Excellencies, to do that, cooperation must be based on mutual respect and sovereign equality. It should recognize territorial integrity and sovereignty. It must be built on genuine partnerships, not unilateral agendas. It cannot progress if we cherry-pick global practices, especially of trade and transit.


7.   But most of all, our endeavours will progress only when our commitment to the Charter remains firm. It is axiomatic that development and growth requires peace and stability. And as the Charter spelt out, this means being firm and uncompromising in countering the ‘three evils’. If activities across borders are characterized by terrorism, extremism and separatism, they are hardly likely to encourage trade, energy flows, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges in parallel.



8.   Let us contemplate how much we all stand to gain if it was to be otherwise. Our very agenda today in Islamabad gives us a glimpse of those possibilities. Industrial cooperation can enhance competitiveness and expand labour markets. MSME collaboration has positive implications for employment. Our collective endeavours can expand resources and encourage investment flows. Business communities will profit through larger networks. Collaborative connectivity can create new efficiencies. The world of logistics, as indeed of energy, could undergo a sea change. Environmental protection and climate action are ready domains for mutually beneficial exchanges. The treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases will benefit from accessible and affordable pharmaceutical capabilities. Whether it is health, food or energy security, we are all clearly better off working together. Indeed, even culture, education and sports are promising areas. In effect, there is so much that we can do once we are truly determined to promote that synergy.




9.   From an Indian perspective, our own global initiatives and national endeavours are also strongly relevant for the SCO. The International Solar Alliance promotes renewable energy. The Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure prepares us for climate events. Mission LiFE advocates a sustainable life-style. Practicing Yoga and promoting millets make a difference to wellness and to environment. The Global Biofuel Alliance recognizes the task of energy transition. The International Big Cat Alliance protects our bio-diversity. At home, we have demonstrated the value of digital public infrastructure, just as we have shown the impact of women-led development.




10.                 While we each make our contribution, the world order is more than the sum of its parts. As it changes, global institutions do need to keep pace. That is why the case for ‘reformed multilateralism’ gets stronger by the day. Comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council, both in the permanent and non-permanent categories, is essential. I remind you that we recognized in July 2024 at Astana that the credibility and effectiveness of the UN is dependent on ensuring the representation of developing countries through comprehensive reform. Similarly, in the "Pact for the Future” which was adopted at the recent UN General Assembly, our leaders have agreed to reform the Security Council, to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable. The SCO must be in the lead of advocating such change, not hold back on a matter of such importance.



11.                 It is imperative that we now renew our resolve to attain the objectives of the SCO. That means recognizing the current constraints on our cooperation and focusing on the pathway forward. It can surely happen when we develop and implement an agenda that is firmly based on an agreed mutuality of interests. To do that, it is equally essential that we abide by the do’s and don’ts so clearly articulated by the Charter. After all, the SCO represents the forces of change on whom much of the world puts such great store. Let us live up to that responsibility.


I thank you for your attention.


Joint Communique of the twenty-third Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

 Joint Communique of the twenty-third Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization


On 15-16 October 2024, the twenty-third meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter referred to as the SCO or the Organization) was held in Islamabad.


It was attended by Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus R.A. Golovchenko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of India S. Jaishankar, Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyed Mohammad Atabak, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan O.A.Bektenov, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic A.U. Zhaparov, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M.V. Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Kokhir Rasulzoda and Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.N. Aripov.

The meeting was chaired by the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif. The meeting was attended by SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming, Director of the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure R.E. Mirzaev, Chairman of the National Part of the SCO Business Council from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sheikh Atif Ikram, Chairman of the SCO Interbank Association Council M.T. Elibaev.

The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene (SCO Observer State) and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov as a guest of the presiding party, as well as the heads of the permanent bodies of the CIS and CICA.

The heads of delegations highly appreciated the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the SCO in 2023-2024 and stressed the importance of implementing the decisions taken following the outcomes of the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States (CHS) in Astana on July 4, 2024.

The Heads of Delegation expressed their support for the People's Republic of China as the current chair of the Organization for 2024-2025. 

The Heads of Delegation noted that the Member States advocate respect for the right of peoples to independently and democratically choose their political, social and economic development, emphasising that the principles of mutual respect for the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of States, equality, mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, non-use of force or threat of use of force are the basis for the sustainable development of international relations. They reaffirm the commitment to the peaceful settlement of differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultations. 

The Heads of Delegation reaffirmed the intention of the Member States to promote the proposal for the adoption of a Resolution by the UN General Assembly in connection with the SCO Initiative “On World Unity for a Just Peace, Harmony and Development”.

Heads of Delegations, taking into account the views of Member States, confirmed the relevance of initiatives to promote interaction in building a new type of international relations in the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as the formation of a common vision of the idea of creating a community of common destiny of mankind and the development of dialogue on the idea of "One Earth. One Family. One Future".

The Heads of Delegations reaffirmed that the Member States intend to further develop cooperation in the spheres of politics and security, trade, economy, finance and investment, and cultural and humanitarian ties in order to build a peaceful, safe, prosperous and ecologically clean planet Earth to achieve harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

The Heads of Delegation noted the tectonic shifts in the global economy, characterized by rapid advancements and interconnectivity in the areas of information technology, digitalization, artificial intelligence, virtual/digital assets, e-commerce, etc. They expressed concern over the exacerbation of various challenges that have led to reduced investment flows, disrupted supply chains and uncertainty in global financial markets as a result of protectionist measures and other impediments to international trade. 

The Heads of Delegation consider it important to continue joint efforts to counter protectionist trade measures that are contrary to WTO rules and regulations, as well as to continue working on strengthening the rules-based WTO, non-discriminatory, open, equitable, inclusive and transparent multilateral trading system, based on the WTO. 

They also oppose protectionist actions, unilateral sanctions and trade restrictions that undermine the multilateral trading system and impede global sustainable development.

The heads of delegations emphasized that the unilateral application of sanctions is incompatible with the principles of international law and has a negative impact on third countries and international economic relations. 

The Republic of Belarus, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan while reaffirming support for the People's Republic of China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, noted ongoing work on joint implementation of the project, including efforts to bridge the Eurasian Economic Union and OBOR. 

The Heads of Delegation stressed that the Member States consider it important to use the potential of the countries of the region, international organizations and multilateral associations to create in the SCO region a space of broad, open, mutually beneficial and equal interaction in accordance with the norms of international law, mutual respect and consideration of national interests.

They noted the proposal to create a Greater Eurasian Partnership with the participation of the SCO, Eurasian Economic Union, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as other interested states and multilateral associations. 

The Heads of Delegations, advocating the promotion of cooperation within the framework of the SCO Year of Sustainable Development, considered it important to pursue sustainable and inclusive economic growth of Member States by optimizing the region's potential in areas such as green development, digital economy, trade, e-commerce, finance and banking, investment, high technology, start-ups and innovation, poverty alleviation, health care, including traditional and folk medicine, agriculture, industry, transport, logistics connectivity, energy, including renewable energy, communications, science and technology, environment and climate change. 

The heads of delegations, reaffirming their desire to ensure stable economic and social development in the SCO region, noted the importance of implementing the SCO Economic Development Strategy for the period up to 2030 and the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation of the SCO member states. They stressed the need for coordinated efforts through the mechanisms of relevant cooperation in order to implement the respective action plans.


The heads of delegations noted the results of the Meeting of SCO Ministers responsible for foreign economic and foreign trade activities (Islamabad, 12 September 2024) and instructed to ensure the implementation of the Concept for the Establishment of the Base of Economic Preferences of the SCO Member States, the Concept of Cooperation between Trade Promotion Organizations of the SCO Member States and the Framework for Cooperation of the SCO Member States in the Development of Creative Economy.


The heads of delegations, noting the presence of significant potential and opportunities for further building up trade and economic ties, stressed the importance of implementing the Concept of Cooperation in the Development of the "New Economic Dialogue" between the SCO member states.


The heads of delegations believe it is necessary to effectively utilize the digital economy and scientific and technological innovations in order to give a new impetus to economic development and progress in the SCO space, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of the region's economy and potential. They emphasized that technology should benefit everyone.

The Heads of delegations stressed the importance of deepening cooperation in the field of information security, the relevance of the "digital divide" issue and advocated for exploring the creation of a mechanism for cross-border data exchange, taking into account the national legislations of countries, the introduction of digital technologies in the economic and social spheres, the development of e-government, electronic payment systems, e-commerce and other areas of digital business.

They noted the adoption by interested Member states of the Concept for the Development of Digital Public Infrastructure for the Dissemination of Digital Technologies among the Population (Digital Inclusion) and the Promotion of Innovation (New Delhi, May 13, 2023). 

The heads of delegations emphasized the importance of regular meetings of the Special Working Group on Electronic Commerce and noted the proposal to convene the next meeting in China in the first quarter of 2025 and to develop a draft Program of Cooperation of the SCO Member States in the field of electronic commerce.

The Heads of Delegation noted the role of standardization tools in trade facilitation and called for the promotion of mutually beneficial and equal interaction between the SCO Member States, as well as the exchange of experience in these areas. 

The Heads of Delegation noted the positive dynamics in the development of customs cooperation, in particular on projects aimed at simplifying, securing and strengthening logistics chains in the SCO space, improving customs control and suppressing smuggling channels. 

Recognizing the importance of the work of the Meeting of Industry Ministers of the SCO Member States, the heads of delegations noted the proposals to hold the next meeting in 2025. They believe that support for creative industries will stimulate the competitiveness of economies and industrialization, which will lead to the expansion of labour markets, including for the benefit of youth, a reduction in unemployment, and sustainable growth in the SCO member states. 

The Heads of Delegation also advocated the elaboration of the proposal to create a Data Bank of investment projects in the field of industry of the SCO Member states and the adoption of the Regulations on the organization of congress and exhibition events under the auspices of the Meeting of Industry Ministers of the SCO member states. 

The heads of delegations noted the positive experience of the SCO's participation as a partner organization of the INNOPROM International Industrial Exhibition (Ekaterinburg, July 8-11, 2024)

The heads of delegations noted the proposal to establish an exchange of experience on the implementation of national industrial policy, digital platforms, production technologies, standardization in the field of IT solutions.


The heads of delegations noted that the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is important to stimulate economic growth and create jobs. In this regard, they emphasized the need to continue practical interaction under the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting SCO Cooperation in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Qingdao, June 10, 2018). 


The Heads of Delegations, stressing the importance of promoting a common vision of the energy future, noted the results of the Meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the SCO Member States (Astana, June 21, 2024). They emphasized the need to continue mutually beneficial cooperation in the energy sector, in particular, in order to develop cross-border energy infrastructure, strengthen energy security on the basis of the Strategy for the Development of Energy Cooperation of the SCO Member States for the period up to 2030 (Astana, July 4, 2024), and instructed to accelerate the development of a “roadmap” for its implementation.


The heads of delegations noted the proposal to prepare a comprehensive plan to stimulate investment and attract technologies in renewable energy. Taking into account the national interests of the Member States, they will continue to promote the development of a full-scale dialogue on energy issues, practical cooperation among energy producers, transit countries and energy consumers. 

The heads of delegations welcomed the outcomes of the first Meeting of the heads of Ministries and Departments of the SCO Member states in the field of antitrust policy (Dushanbe, May 30, 2024), which made an important contribution to strengthening cooperation in the field of antitrust regulation and combating unfair competition in order to create a fair international economic and trade environment. 

The Heads of delegations noted the need to improve the mechanism of external audit of the Organization by involving the supreme audit institutions of the SCO Member States with the necessary professional competencies in this activity. They instructed the heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions to consider this issue at the next relevant meeting.

The heads of delegations welcomed the establishment of the SCO Investors Association and instructed the authorized bodies of the SCO Member States to take measures to establish the practical work of this cooperation mechanism. They noted the results of the meeting of the Special Working Group on Investment Promotion of the SCO Member States(Tehran, February 20-22, 2024), co-chaired by the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the proposal to develop a set of measures to stimulate mutual investments.


The heads of delegations expressed confidence that the activities of these mechanisms will give a new impetus to cooperation within the SCO in the investment sphere. 

Pursuant to the SCO CHS Decision of 4 July 2024 on the mechanisms of financial support for project activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the heads of delegations instructed the authorized Ministries and Departments of the Member States to intensify consultations on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank, the SCO Development Fund (Special Account) and, in the format of the interested parties, the SCO Investment Fund. 

The heads of delegations of the interested SCO member states, noting the efforts to seek consensus to develop agreed recommendations for the SCO member states, reaffirmed the need for consistent implementation of the Road Map of the SCO Member States on gradual increase in the share of national currencies in mutual settlements (Samarkand, September 16, 2022).

They highlighted proposals for the establishment of an independent settlement-clearing mechanism, as well as for the convergence of payment systems by interested member states.


The heads of delegations, stressing the important role of the SCO Business Council (BC) in the development of cooperation between the business communities of the SCO member states, noted the results of the meeting of the SCO BC Board and the SCO Business Forum (Astana, June 28, 2024). 


The heads of delegations noted the efforts of the SCO Interbank Association (IBA) in studying best practices for implementing ESG-financing between SCO IBA member banks and the introduction of financial innovations in order to promote sustainable and balanced growth of national economies. 
They noted the intention of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to join the work of the SCO IBA. 

The heads of delegations consider the contribution of the BC and IBA to practical cooperation in the interests of sustainable socio-economic development in the SCO space to be important.

The heads of delegations noted the work of the Consortium of SCO Economic Think Tanks, including the preparation of a report on the topic "Improving Trade and Technological Cooperation between the SCO Member States: proposals and Further Actions". They welcomed the accession of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies to the Consortium.

The heads of delegations, reaffirming the special role of the development of interregional cooperation, noted the results of the Forum of the Heads of SCO Regions (Omsk, September 17-19, 2024). 

They consider the activities of these formats important for strengthening trade and economic cooperation between the SCO Member States, studying the state and assessing the prospects of multilateral interaction within the framework of the Organization. 

The heads of delegations noted the importance of building multilateral cooperation in the field of official statistics for the introduction of best statistical practices and methodological developments in order to timely provide the Member states with official statistical information within the framework of priority directions of trade and economic cooperation.

The heads of delegations confirmed that the member states, sharing the international community's desire to strengthen interconnectivity, welcome initiatives of the SCO countries in the transport sphere aimed at developing mutually beneficial cooperation on a fair and balanced basis in accordance with international law, the goals and principles of the UN Charter and the SCO Charter. 

They advocated further implementation of the Concept of Cooperation of the SCO Member States on the Development of Interconnectivity and Creation of Efficient Transport Corridors (Samarkand, September 16, 2022).

The heads of delegations noted the results of the Meeting of the Transport Ministers of the SCO Member States(June 20, 2024, VC). 
They spoke in favour of the active implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Establishing Favourable Conditions for International Road Transport (Dushanbe, 12 September 2014), including regular meetings of the relevant Joint Commission.


The heads of delegations welcomed the holding of an international, regional conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the signing of the above-mentioned intergovernmental agreement (Dushanbe, May 29, 2024).

They instructed relevant ministries and departments to take measures to implement previously adopted conceptual documents in the areas of decarbonization of transport, digital transformation and innovative technologies, and development of ports and logistics centres.

The Heads of Delegation stressed the need for further development of cooperation in the field of railway transport and welcomed the holding of the Meeting of the Heads of Railway Administrations (Railways) of the SCO Member States in Moscow on 27-29 November 2024. 

They advocated the use of innovations and the latest technologies, including digital ones, in multimodal transportation in the railway industry. 

The Heads of Delegation emphasized the importance of taking measures to develop port, logistics and railway infrastructure, scientific and technological innovations, the development of multi- and intermodal transport, modern logistics centres and human resources, digitalization, and ensuring safety, including environmental initiatives, in railway transport.


They called for active, practical cooperation within the framework of the adopted Concept of Cooperation of the SCO Member states in the field of development of ports and logistics centres (Astana, July 4, 2024).

The Heads of Delegations spoke in favor of increasing cooperation in the field of environmental protection, including biodiversity conservation and waste management. They instructed the authorized agencies to take measures for effective implementation of the Statement of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States on effective waste management adopted on July 4, 2024, in Astana, the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the Program on development of cooperation between the SCO Member States in the field of protected areas (specially protected natural territories, protected natural areas) and eco-tourism. The Heads of Delegations highly appreciated for holding environmental actions and events within the framework of the SCO Year of Ecology in 2024.

The heads of delegations noted the importance of implementing the UN General Assembly resolutions on "Sustainable Mountain Development" on declaring 2023-2027 as the "Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions", as well as the annual celebration of World Glacier Day on March 21 and the establishment of a trust fund to support glacier conservation activities. 


The Heads of Delegation noted the results of the Meeting of the Heads of Ministries and Departments of the SCO Member states responsible for Environmental Protection (Astana, May 22, 2024) and called for the consistent implementation of the Program for the Creation of a Platform for the Exchange of Information in the Field of Environmental Protection (Beijing, November 1, 2022), adopted by the interested Member States, as well as the Joint Approaches of the SCO Member States to Address Environmental Issues adopted in Astana on May 22, 2024, and the Joint Action Plan for the Implementation The SCO Green Belt Program for 2024-2026 and the Plan for the Implementation of the Concept of Cooperation of the SCO Member States in the Field of Environmental Protection for 2025-2027. 

The Heads of Delegations, reaffirming the commitment of the SCO Member States to cooperate on climate change and overcome its negative consequences through the exchange of experience and the study of best practices, instructed the relevant ministries and departments to accelerate the establishment of the activities of the Special Working Group on Climate Change, including the adoption of the relevant Regulation. They noted the proposals for the development of a draft agreement between the governments of the SCO Member States on cooperation in the field of climate change, as well as on the creation of the SCO Database on Innovative Environmental Technologies. 

They are in favor of developing a dialogue with relevant international institutions in order to attract investment and finance joint projects and programs in the field of environmental protection, the introduction of new environmentally friendly technologies, and increasing the share of the "green" economy.

The heads of delegations also noted the results of the SCO Forum on Green Development (Qingdao, July 8-9, 2024).

The heads of delegations, noting the increasing risks of natural disasters, spoke in favor of further deepening cooperation between emergency agencies, including in the field of space monitoring of natural disaster risks, the exchange of operational information and best practices, the holding of seminars and practical exercises for timely response to emergencies, including ensuring safety during emergency rescue operations.

They reaffirmed their intention to ensure the implementation of the Action Plan for 2023-2025 on the implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in Providing Assistance in Emergency Response (Moscow, 26 October 2005). 

The heads of delegations spoke in favour of increasing cooperation of the Member States in the prevention and treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, digitalization of healthcare systems, ensuring access to high-quality medicines, and development of medical tourism in the SCO region. In the context of the results of the SCO Health Ministers Meeting (Astana, March 14, 2024), they instructed the relevant Ministries and Departments to ensure the implementation of the adopted Plan of Basic Measures for the Development of SCO Health Cooperation for 2025-2027, as well as to accelerate the consideration of the proposal to establish the SCO Medical Association in the format of interested states. 

The heads of delegations noted the results of the Meeting of the Expert Working Group of the SCO Member States on Traditional Medicine (23 November 2023, VC) and the SCO International Medical Congress (Bishkek, March 27-29, 2024).

The Heads of Delegations emphasized that in order to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being and improve the preparedness of the Member States to counter epidemics of infectious diseases, it is necessary to achieve reliable access to basic sanitation and hygiene services for all. They noted the proposal to hold the next Meeting of the Heads of Services of the SCO Member States responsible for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being on December 12th, 2024, in St. Petersburg, including considering the implementation of the Statement of the Council of Heads of the SCO Member States on Ensuring Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation (Astana, July 4, 2024), as well as the preparation for the draft Agreement on Cooperation of the SCO Member States in Combating Plague. 

The heads of delegations noted the importance of developing further cooperation in overcoming poverty and increasing the well-being of the population within the framework of the activities of the Special Working Group (SWG) of the SCO Member States on poverty reduction issues. The work of the SCO Member States in this area contributes to the formation of a lifestyle aimed at achieving the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals, and also helps to disseminate the experience of best programs and practices among the SCO Member States. They noted the results of the meeting of the SWG (December 6th, 2023, VC) and the thematic expert meeting (September 10th, 2024, VC), as well as the proposal to develop a programme of cooperation among the SCO Member States on poverty reduction.

The Heads of Delegation noted the results of the Meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of the SCO Member States(29 May 2024, VC), including the approval of the Programme for the Development of Cooperation in Breeding and Seed Production of Agricultural Crops between the SCO Member States. They called for further strengthening cooperation in order to increase mutual trade in agricultural products and expand the areas of interaction between the Member States on the basis of previously adopted documents and solutions in the field of agriculture and food security. 

The Heads of Delegation reaffirmed the need for action to strengthen global food security and improve nutrition and encourage efforts to develop cooperation in research on climate-resilient and nutritious cereal crops, including millet, rice, wheat, maize and other traditional crops.

The Heads of Delegation noted the proposal for the participation of the SCO Member States in the Belagro International Agricultural Exhibition (Minsk, 3-7 June 2025).


The heads of delegations stressed the unwavering commitment of the Member States to respect and preserved traditional values and cultural and civilizational diversity, as well as the need to further deepen cooperation in the humanitarian field by introducing new formats of interaction in education, culture, tourism and sports. They noted the importance of strengthening the global dialogue between religions and cultures, including within the framework of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.

The heads of delegations noted the results of the Meeting of Heads of Ministries and Departments responsible for the development of physical culture and sports in the SCO Member States(Almaty, 24 May 2024), as well as the need to accelerate the consideration of the initiatives to establish the Association of SCO Sports Organizations, establish a Working Group on Physical Culture and Sports and hold the SCO Sports Games.

The heads of delegations noted the proposal to hold the “Silk Road” mini-football tournament for the SCO Member States Cup in futsal on December 9-18, 2024 in Tehran.


The heads of delegations, noting the results of the Meeting of the Heads of Tourism Administrations of the SCO Member States(Almaty, May 24, 2024), spoke in favor of the consistent implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on the Development of Cooperation in the Field of Tourism (Samarkand, September 16, 2022) and the SCO Joint Plan of Action in the Field of Tourism for the period 2024-2025.

The heads of delegations stressed the positive contribution of the annual SCO marathon in Kunming (People's Republic of China) and Issyk-Kul region (Kyrgyz Republic) to the development of sports cooperation within the SCO.

The Heads of Delegations attach great importance to holding sports events and competitions with the participation of SCO Member States, SCO Observer States and SCO Dialogue Partners in order to strengthen sports ties between the countries, as well as the development of Olympic, non-Olympic, and Paralympic and national sports. Recognizing the unique role of physical culture and sport in strengthening solidarity and peace.

The Heads of Delegations stressed that the SCO Member States will promote the development of international sports cooperation on an equal and depoliticized basis, oppose discrimination against athletes on any grounds, including nationality, language, political and other beliefs, national or social origin.

The heads of delegations, advocating the development of cooperation in the field of youth policy, noted the role of the SCO Youth Council in strengthening cooperation between youth organizations and young leaders, including the results of the SCO Business Incubator event (Moscow and Dubai, 23-28 September 2024). 

The Heads of Delegations noted the results of the Meeting of the Heads of Ministries and Departments of Science and Technology of the SCO Member States(19 June 2024, VC), at which it was agreed to give priority to the formation and implementation of mutually interested programs and projects in the field of scientific and technical cooperation, improving the legal framework and intensifying scientific and technical cooperation of the SCO Member States.


The Heads of Delegation highlighted the need to intensify interaction within the framework of the Action Plan on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the SCO Member States on priority areas (2022-2025) (Samarkand, September 16th, 2022).

The Heads of Delegations believe that in the context of globalization, startups and innovations play a key role in increasing the competitiveness of states, and in these regards noted the results of the meeting of the Special Working Group on Startups and Innovations (November 23, 2023, VC) and the 4th SCO Startup Forum (New Delhi, March 18-20, 2024). 

The Heads of Delegations welcomed the joint efforts of the SCO Member States to conduct a pilot selection for the joint research and innovation projects within the SCO, as well as the adoption of a roadmap for the implementation of the Cooperation Programme of the SCO Member States for the Development of Artificial Intelligence.

The Heads of Delegations noted the results of the Meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the SCO Member States(15 May 2024, VC) and emphasized the importance of further developing cultural cooperation to strengthen friendship and good-neighbourly relations. They stressed the prospects for cooperation in the field of culture and noted the proposal to draw up a Calendar of Cultural Exchanges of the SCO Member States. 

The Heads of Delegations spoke in favour of further active implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites (Dushanbe, 17 September 2021), including in order to counter the smuggling of cultural property.

The Heads of Delegations highly appreciated the events within the framework of the tourist and cultural capital of the SCO in 2023-2024 in Almaty. They believe that the announcement of the city of Qingdao as the tourist and cultural capital of the SCO for the period 2024-2025 will also contribute to unlocking the tourism potential of the region and further strengthening cooperation in the field of culture.

The Heads of Delegation noted the results of the Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the SCO Member States(Moscow, 18 April 2024), at which priority was given to building up cooperation within the SCO University, the development of cooperation in the field of academic exchanges, joint scientific work, the organization of vocational education, language training, enhancing youth interaction, as well as digitalization in the field of education in the SCO interested Member States. 

The heads of delegations emphasize that people-to-people diplomacy contributes to strengthening mutual understanding and cultural and humanitarian ties within the SCO. They noted the contribution of the Chinese Committee for Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, the Center for People-to-People Diplomacy of the SCO in Uzbekistan, the Center for Cultural and Integration of the SCO in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Center for Friendship and Cooperation of the SCO in the Republic of Tajikistan and the National Center for People-to-People Diplomacy of the SCO in the Russian Federation to the development of humanitarian cooperation within the Organization. 

The Heads of Delegation approved the Report of the SCO Secretariat on the Events and Meetings held within the framework of the Implementation of the Programme of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation of the SCO Member States and the SCO budget for 2025.

Decisions were made on a number of issues related to the financial and organizational activities of the SCO Permanent Bodies, taking into account the accession of the Republic of Belarus to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The Heads of Delegation expressed their gratitude to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the successful organization of the twenty-third Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the SCO Member States, which was held in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. 

The next meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the SCO Member States will be held in 2025 in the Russian Federation. 


1.   Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, R.A. Golovchenko 


2.   Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of India, S. Jaishankar


3.    Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyed Mohammad Atabak


4.   Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan O.A.Bektenov 


5.   Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China        
Li Qiang


6.   Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, A.U. Zhaparov 


7.   Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif


8.   Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, M.V. Mishustin 


9.   Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan,  Kokhir Rasulzoda 


10.                 Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A.N. Aripov 


Islamabad, October 16, 2024


Sunday 13 October 2024

Challenges for Omar Abdullah. People have rejected BJP and Modi's- restoration of statehood.

 Challenges for Omar Abdullah. People have rejected BJP and Modi's- restoration of statehood.


Peace and stability must prevail before any major decisions can be made. No to militancy.

Friday 11 October 2024

SCO Conference, why PTI want to sabotage it? Who will benefitfrom the policies of PTI? Usman Kayani explains. 

 SCO Conference, why PTI want to sabotage it? Who will benefit from the policies of PTI? Usman Kayani explains.


True nationalists of JK must join hands with the oppressed people of Pakistan. Our struggle is on this side of the LOC.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

My speech in the House of Commons on 8 October 2024.

 My speech in the House of Commons on 8 October 2024.

House of Commons Committee Room 15

Dr Shabir Choudhry

I start with the name of the Almighty.

Mr President, honourable guests, it is a pleasure to speak to you on this

important topic. To begin with, I want to thank Arif Aajakia for providing

this opportunity to express my views.

1. The topic of the conference is ‘Gross Human Rights Violations in

Pakistan.’ I am not a Pakistani, and you may think, why is it relevant

to me, a citizen of Jammu and Kashmir? Let me explain how it is

relevant to me. We, the people of Jammu and Kashmir, are also

victims of Pakistani oppression, injustice and imperialist policies.

2. Mr Mohammed Ali Jinnah and his followers claim that Pakistan

achieved independence on 14 August 1947 to advance the cause of

Islam and to protect and enhance the fundamental rights of Muslims.

3. However, they fail to tell from whom they achieved this so-called

independence. The fact is that Pakistan was not occupied by anyone,

a country in the name of Pakistan was established by dividing India

in the name of religion in August 1947. Before that, no country

existed with this name, so how could it be occupied?

4. The critics claim that the agenda of Mr Jinnah was to divide India in

the name of religion and promote extremism, hatred and religious


5. The British Raj in the Indian Sub-Continent ended on 15 August 1947.

Mr Jinnah was the Governor General of Pakistan, and no one in the

Muslim League could question the wisdom and decision of Mr Jinnah.

If he had been sincere in establishing the Islamic Shariah, there

would have been no one to oppose him.

6. He should have appointed a prominent Islamic scholar as a Law

Minister if he wanted to establish the Islamic Shariah. Instead, he

appointed a Hindu, Joginder Nath Mandal, Law Minister of Pakistan.

7. Mr Jinnah, on 11 August 1947, while addressing the inaugural session

of Pakistan’s Constituent Assembly said: “You may belong to any

religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business

of the State … you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease

to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the

religious sense because that is the personal faith of each individual,

but in the political sense as citizens of the State.” 1

8. That was his second goodbye to the Two Nations Theory. The first

time he abandoned the Two Nations Theory was when the Cabinet

Mission visited India in 1946. The above actions should have opened

the eyes of the Pakistani people. Alas, those who are blinded with

love or hatred, could not think logically; and the majority are still

brainwashed into believing that India was partitioned to serve Islam

and help Muslims.

9. On the legal position of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr Jinnah on 13th July

1947, said:

‘The question engaging the Kashmiri Muslims’ attention is whether

Kashmir is going to join the Constituent Assembly of Hindustan or

Pakistan’, stating that he had made it clear more than once that the

Indian States were free to join either Assembly or remain

independent. ‘I have no doubt that the Maharaja and the Kashmir

Government will give their closest attention and consideration to this

matter and realise the interests not only of the Ruler, but also of his

people’. 2

10. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, in another statement, said: ‘Neither the

British Government nor the British Parliament, nor any other power

or body could compel the states to do anything contrary to their own

free will and accord, nor have had any power or sanction of any kind

to do so.’ 3

11. Jammu and Kashmir had a Standstill Agreement with the new

country, Pakistan. According to this Agreement, Pakistan was to

provide all services to Jammu and Kashmir, which the non – Muslims,

the British provided during their rule in this region.

12. Despite this written agreement, Pakistani rulers planned to

invade Jammu and Kashmir. Major General Akbar Khan of Pakistan,

in his book, ‘Raiders in Kashmir’, wrote that two weeks after the

creation of Pakistan, he was ordered to proceed to Murree (a border

town near the Jammu and Kashmir border), and meet some leaders

of the Muslim Conference, including Sardar Ibrahim Khan to

formulate a strategy for the liberation of Kashmir.

13. In his ‘appreciation’, Armed Revolt Inside Kashmir’, Major

General Akbar Khan highlighted the strategic, military and economic

importance of Jammu and Kashmir. To him, if Jammu and Kashmir

became part of India, then India could:

‘Establish such stations anywhere within a few miles of the 180-mile-

long vital road and rail route between Lahore and Pindi. In the event

of war, these stations would be a dangerous threat to our most

important civil and military lines of communication. If we were to

protect this route properly, it would take a major portion of our army

to do so, and we would thereby dangerously weaken our front at

Lahore. If we were to concentrate our strength at the front, we would

give India the chance to cut off Lahore, Sialkot, Gujrat and even

Jhelum from our military base at Rawalpindi’. 4

14. Major General Akbar Khan further writes that even in peacetime

the situation could not be acceptable because Pakistan ‘would be

permanently exposed to a threat of such magnitude that our

independence would never be a reality’. 5

15. After giving details of the economic importance of Jammu and

Kashmir and how Pakistan heavily relies on this he concluded:

‘Kashmir’s accession is not simply a matter of desirability but an

absolute necessity for our separate existence’. 6

16. Sadly, many Muslim citizens of Jammu and Kashmir are still

under the influence of the Pakistani propaganda that Pakistan cares

and loves the people of Jammu and Kashmir, and that Pakistan will

help them to obtain independence. The Pakistani rulers planned this

military operation, generally known as the ‘tribal invasion’ in the

name of jihad to protect Pakistani military, strategic and economic

interests; and the welfare of the people was not their concern.

17. Tens of thousands of innocent citizens of Jammu and Kashmir

died, as a direct result of this Pakistani-sponsored jihad in 1947. In

Baramulla, alone, according to Major General Akbar Khan, out of

14,000 inhabitants, only 3,000 survived. The rest perished in the first

Pakistani-sponsored ‘jihad’ in Jammu and Kashmir. 7

18. Mr Jinnah claimed he wanted to have a separate country for

Muslims so that they could practice Islam and live in peace. Is there

peace in Pakistan? Are the people of Pakistan in peace? Are the

neighbours of Pakistan in peace? Are minorities of Pakistan live in

peace? The answer to these questions is a big no because, from day

one they adopted hawkish and imperialist policies.

19. The Holy Quran very clearly asserted that Muslims must honour

their pledges and agreements; but instead of honouring their pledges

in accordance with Islamic teaching, they unilaterally violated the

Agreement and attacked Jammu and Kashmir to occupy the State.

Pakistan used proxies, tribesmen, and their army to attack a small


20. The rulers of Pakistan did not care about Islamic obligations to

neighbours and agreements. The invaders were told that everything

was theirs, and what was not removable belonged to Pakistan, for

example, land, buildings, mountains etc.

21. A clear meaning of that to the proxy warriors was, they are at

liberty to loot and plunder, kidnap women, rape them or take them

to Pakistan to make them their wives or sell them. This, the brute

warriors did without showing any mercy to women, children and the


22. Tens of thousands of innocent men and women were butchered,

houses and shops looted and burnt; and hundreds of women raped

and kidnapped. Many women jumped into rivers and wells to save

their dignity and honour.

23. These greedy monsters did not even spare religious places like

churches, mosques, and temples. It is sad to note that most of their

victims, those who were raped and killed, were non – Muslims.

24. However, when it came to looting and plunder, they showed some

kind of ‘equality’ – while looting and plundering religious sentiments

and conscience were not a problem - all citizens of Jammu and

Kashmir were their targets. On the issue of killing other human

beings, their prime targets were non – Muslims, but they justified the

killing of those Muslims who tried to save non – Muslims.

25. I must confess that many Muslims belonging to the present-day so-

called Azad Kashmir were also manipulated in the name of ‘Jihad’

against the Hindu Maharaja and his non-Muslim subjects. Many

people also became part of the gangs that attacked Jammu and

Kashmir and committed crimes against innocent non – Muslims of

Jammu and Kashmir.

26. The Pakistani manipulators and rulers presented these people as

heroes to the people of Pakistan and the so-called Azad Kashmir, and

sadly, some people still regard them as heroes. To me, they were

collaborators who helped those who wanted to occupy our land and

kill and rape our people.

27. Another bitter fact is the role of Muslim soldiers in Maharaja Hari

Singh’s army. These men were under oath to protect the life of the

Maharaja, protect his family and his State of Jammu and Kashmir. In

return these soldiers were trained, provided with weapons, bullets,

and uniforms and they were paid a salary.

28. Sadly, when the Maharaja Hari Singh’s State was attacked by

Pakistan and their proxies, these soldiers betrayed their oath. Instead

of fighting the invaders and protecting the sanctity and integrity of

their motherland – the state of Jammu and Kashmir- they under the

influence of hate preachers and invaders of Pakistan sided with those

who wanted to invade the State and kill and rape innocent citizens of

Jammu and Kashmir.

29. The Pakistani manipulators and hate mongers convinced these

collaborators that what they did (betrayal of their oaths) was

wonderful because they were doing this for the sake of Islam.

30. For the Pakistani rulers and the hate mongers violating oaths and

blatantly ignoring treaty obligations and neighbourly responsibilities

was not a big issue. And that they were heroes as they helped to

invade parts of Jammu and Kashmir and kill Kaffirs (non–Muslims).

31. The Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, under those

conditions, was not able to defend his state and his people. He

requested India for help. They said they can only help If they accede6

to India. To save his state and his people he acceded to India on 26

October 1947.

32. As a direct result of the Pakistani military adventure, the Ruler of

Jammu and Kashmir had to accede to India, and our motherland was

forcibly divided between India and Pakistan. All our problems, death

and destruction, rapes, kidnappings, separation of families,

imprisonments and torture are because of that unwise Pakistani

attack that was carried out on 22 October 1947.

33. During the British Raj, leaders of the Muslim League and the Congress

were allowed to select their candidates for the elections. Even in

Jammu and Kashmir, the political parties were allowed to select their

candidates. However, we, the people of the so-called Azad Kashmir,

in 2024, are not allowed to select our candidates. These decisions are

taken by Pakistani leaders like Asif Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Imran


34. When Anwar Ul Haq was elected the Prime Minister of the so-

called Azad Kashmir, he did not declare his cabinet for many weeks.

There were rumours that he had no control over the Assembly

members. One journalist asked him if he was having problems in

forming a government because he did not declare his cabinet. He said

with a smile, I have full control, and I have sent a list of the cabinet

members to Islamabad. Once they approve the list, I will announce


35. I know Anwar Ul Haq very well; he shrewdly told his people

what kind of independence they had. There are many layers of control

in the so-called Azad Kashmir. Briefly, they are as follows:

No one is allowed to contest elections if they do not declare their

allegiance to Pakistan.

Even to apply for a government job or a job in a government-

controlled organisation, one has to declare allegiance to Pakistan.

There are four Lent Officers sent from Pakistan who control all the

affairs of the government. These officers are the Chief Secretary, IG

Police, Accountant General and Secretary Finance.

Ministry of Kashmir Affairs also controls them.

Jammu and Kashmir Council, headed by the Chief Executive of

Pakistan and six Pakistani Ministers also control certain important

matters of so-called Azad Kashmir.

The premier secret agency, ISI, of Pakistan not only controls the

politics of Pakistan, but it also controls all matters of Jammu and

Kashmir, including militancy.

Apart from the ISI, there are eight other secret agencies of Pakistan

which operate in this region.

Above all the GOC Murree, Major General of Pakistan stationed in

Murree, who exerts considerable control on all matters of Jammu and


It will be pertinent to give an example of this control. One Azad

Kashmiri Prime Minister appointed an officer in the government, and

this appointment was made public. At that time, there was no social

media as we know it now, and people generally communicated by

phone or fax. The PM office received a fax from the GOC Murree

asking who made this appointment. There was panic in the PM Office,

and they replied by saying, ‘a competent authority has made this

appointment.’ Within a minute, an authoritative fax was sent to the

PM office: ‘The competent authority is advised not to make any

appointments without clearing with the GOC Murree.’

36. This explains what kind of independence we people of so-called

Azad Kashmir have. All aspects of political, social and economic are

controlled by Islamabad, and sadly, despite this, some people of so-

called Azad Kashmir shamelessly claim they are independent.





2/ Transfer of Power, Vol. XI, page 128

3/ Rao, Guru Raj, Legal Aspects of the Kashmir Problem, page 357.

4/ Raiders in Kashmir, Major General Akbar Khan, page 9

5/ Ibid, page 10

6/ Ibid, page 10

7/ Ibid, page 29