Tuesday 29 January 2019

Solidarity day or a fraud day, Dr Shabir Choudhry

Solidarity day or a fraud day, Dr Shabir Choudhry
London       30 January 2019

5 February is not a solidarity day, as claimed by Pakistan and their followers; but a fraud day. The sooner we understand this fraud, and the real game plan of Pakistan, the better it is for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

However, credit must be given to the Pakistani establishment for systematically and effectively fooling people of Jammu and Kashmir for the past 70 years.

Sad part of this drama, which Pakistan stages in name of Kashmir is that many people of Jammu and Kashmir still happily dance on the tune played by Islamabad, and regard Pakistan as a big brother and a well-wisher.

Pakistan is having very serious financial problems, and in many parts of the country, their children and old and sick people are dying because of lack of medicine and food. However, their strong establishment has sufficient funds to arm, train and launch militants across the divided line to commit acts of violence.

Also, they have plenteous funds to spend lavishly on various false propaganda projects around the world to fool people of Jammu and Kashmir, and people of Pakistan.

With this exercise they think they are fooling the world about Jammu and Kashmir, and also advance their agenda on Kashmir. Reality, however, is that they are fooling no one, apart from themselves and their collaborators in Jammu and Kashmir.

Diplomats and leaders of other countries are not fools. They know what the Pakistani game plan is, and no country take their propaganda seriously. Some even welcome this kind of activity, as that helps their economy.

For example, if they hold a demonstration in Geneva, they have to transport day wagers from other countries. They have to pay them, for their food, transport and sometimes accommodation. Also, they have to provide massive funds to the organisers for publicity and banners which are displayed on streets. In addition to that, they pay so called leaders who travel from Pakistan and Pakistani occupied Kashmir. These leaders generously spend money in Switzerland in name of Kashmir; and still save sufficient for their families.

Of course, all that is good for the economy of Switzerland, and economies of other countries, where stalwarts of Islamabad hold political events to ‘educate the world community’. Most of the ‘educators’ speak Urdu and Punjabi, and they lack appropriate knowledge on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. I wonder how the world community understands them? Whether they understand the Kashmir dispute or not, they welcome this kind of activity on regular basis, and if anything they encourage it, as it is good for their economy.

True sons of soil understand imperialist agenda of Pakistan and oppose it. Some collaborators with hat of nationalism, on the other hand, say we should not oppose ‘solidarity day’, because Pakistan is the only country in the world that supports us.

They don’t tell people that Pakistan is the only country that attacked us, despite a written agreement. India did not invade us, they came to Jammu and Kashmir after a written agreement, and on the request of the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir.

They also don’t tell people how Pakistan oppress people, deny people their fundamental rights and exploit our resources in Gilgit Baltistan and in so called Azad Kashmir.

We can criticise India, and also condemn human rights abuses, as they have not fulfilled their pledges; but we cannot change historical facts to suit our political agenda.

Every year well before December, the Pakistani establishment issue directions to their collaborators to prepare plans for the fake historic day- 5 February, which has no historical significance. This year is very important for them, as they have more problems in Pakistan in every aspect of social, political and economic life.

Kashmir is the best topic which divert attention of the divided and suffering people away from their everyday problems. They will have another holiday in our name; and they will show on the national TV channels what their establishment is doing on the Kashmir front.

For this purpose, Foreign Minister of Pakistan is also ordered to take part in the fraud day function arranged in London. Of course, people like Barrister Sultan Mahmood and Chaudhry Yasin have already been instructed to mobilise their followers in England. Like, always, the High Commission of Pakistan will play a key role in the whole affair. Icing on the cake is support of PTI people who are also enthusiastically taking part in this event.

If Pakistan is sincere about the plight of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, then they should:
1.   Honour their pledges assumed under the UNCIP Resolutions; and respect honour, dignity and fundamental rights of the people living under their control.

2.   Restore State Subject Laws, and repatriate all Pakistanis settled in Gilgit Baltistan.

3.   Release all political prisoners, and end schedule 4.

4.   Lift ban on all the books and newspapers.

5.   Give appropriate share of the CPEC projects to the people of Gilgit Baltistan and so called Azad Kashmir.

6.   Stop exploitation of our natural resources and give control of dams to the local administrations.

7.   Instead of having holiday in our name, work hard and give that money to victims and oppressed people on both sides of the divide.

These moves will make India defensive on the Kashmir dispute; and will enhance Pakistan’s image in the region and beyond. This will surely help to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and present Pakistan as a hero.

Writer is a renowned writer and author of many books. He is also President Foreign Affairs Committee of UKPNP; and Chairman South Asia Watch, London.
Email: Drshabirchoudhry@gmail.com       Twitter:  @Drshabir

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