Friday 12 November 2010

Kashmir plebiscite

Kashmir plebiscite
Posted by K4Kashmir on November 12, 2010 in Kashmir | 0 Comment Edit
Kashmir plebiscite
Partition of the subcontinent is now part of history.

Partition of the subcontinent is now part of history.

There is no point in discussing whether it was good or bad. The real question is whether we should divide any nation again on ethnic or religious lines.

At the same time both India and Pakistan should realize that without equal and full participation by all ethnic/religious groups, no family or society could be held together. There has to be common denominators far beyond religion. Pakistan paid a high price in taking on mighty and more prosperous India. The lesson of the Soviet Union’s collapse shouldn’t be forgotten.

Suppose a plebiscite is held in Kashmir including the Azad Kashmir. Let us also assume that only 70 percent of the electorate cast their votes with 60 percent opting for independence, 30 percent seeking merger with Pakistan and 10 percent expressing a wish to remain with India. How on earth are you going to carve out the territory, ensure that people don’t find themselves on the wrong side of the border and settle refugees? So the only long-term solution appears to be for the two parts of Kashmir to remain with India and Pakistan as they are now. There should be a common market and people should be allowed freedom of movement across the border to mitigate the hardships imposed by the division of the state between two sovereign nations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for kashmiri leadership and kashmiris want to be part of pakistan then they can cross over and go to the promised land it may be ajk or whole of pakistan.

but kashmiri leadership which want independance, i dont know what will convince them that indipendant kashmir is either not possible or if its possible on paper it can be more dangerous than agghanistan givien the china, pakistna and india as neighbours.

theory is one thing but practical implmentation of indipendant kashmir is sure recipie for distaser but kashmiri who seek independance dont ever want to believe this.