Saturday 31 August 2024

Jamil Maqsood explains the situation of POK-300 people are missing from Azad Kashmir.

 Jamil Maqsood explains the situation of POK-300 people are missing from Azad Kashmir.

Agencies are smuggling drugs to JK. Peaceful struggle will continue. Pakistan must honour their pledges.

Friday 30 August 2024

This I wrote in 2016 about CPEC, and how it has come true. Dr Shabir Choudhry

 This I wrote in 2016 about CPEC, and how it has come true. Dr Shabir Choudhry


This piece is taken out from my book: Is CPEC Economic Corridor or a Strategic Game Plan?


Pakistani government and their foot soldiers claim CPEC is a game changer. Maybe the CPEC is a game changer, but the question is in whose favour will this game change? Many Pakistani economists have serious doubts about the CPEC projects and what they can offer to the people of Pakistan. We can all agree that the CPEC has the potential to make some more billionaires in China and in Pakistan. It can also help China to advance its economic and strategic agenda.

However, I have the following questions and see if the CPEC satisfies them, and which will enable readers to comprehend if this mega project will empower Pakistan, its society; and if it is anywhere near to the Marshall Plan:

1.   The people of Balochistan have very serious apprehensions about the CPEC. They feel it is imperial in design and is intended to utilize China’s military and economic might to further fortify the slavery of Balochistan; and help Pakistan to loot and plunder natural resources of Balochistan.

There are many statements and interviews of rebel Baloch leaders to support the above viewpoint, and the insurgency in Balochistan and the movement of the Baloch Diaspora also support this. People of other Pakistani provinces and Gilgit Baltistan also have similar complaints about the CPEC. If I start giving details of all then the article will become too long.

2.   According to many Pakistani economists and business people, Pakistani products will not be able to compete with Chinese products; and that will seriously hurt the Pakistani industries and exports. Already there is a big trade deficit in trade, and poor infrastructure and inadequate facilities will increase this gap further.


3.   Pakistan is an unequal partner in the CPEC, and decisions will go in favour of the stronger partner, China. This will result in Pakistan losing economically, and strategically and will also lose its sovereignty in many spheres of governance.


4.   People need to see if the CPEC will empower women and other disadvantaged people in Pakistani society.


5.   Will the CPEC promote peace and stability in the region? Or it will invite other competing powers to intervene in the affairs of the region?


6.   Will the CPEC create more space for civil society; or it will enable Pakistan to curb more fundamental rights and shrink already very little space?


7.   Will the CPEC help to promote democratic and secular ideals; or those who promote them will be hunted and punished?


8.   Will the CPEC empower anti-democratic forces and help to militarise the society; or it will empower the human rights activists to stand up and fight their corner?

It must be remembered that even the elected government with a big mandate is losing power and losing ground to non-state actors and unelected forces, and that vacuum is filled by anti-democratic forces. Militarisation of the society is taking place systematically; and evidence of that is even in a cricket match in Lahore, half an hour was spent in promoting the army.

9.   Will CPEC a promote vibrant and resilient society? Or it will strengthen undemocratic forces?

It must be noted that a vibrant and resilient civil society does not suit the governments of China and Pakistan. So, it would be foolish to expect from them to empower civil society.

10.                 Will CPEC promote transparency and accountability? The evidence so far available does not support this. Anyone who asks about the CPEC is given a shut-up call. Or they are accused of being an agent of India or some other perceived enemy country.

In my considered opinion, the nexus between the army and religious extremists is going to become stronger. Space for human rights activists and civil society will further shrink. Dissent will be brutally crushed, especially in Balochistan and in Gilgit Baltistan. The export of extremism and terrorism will continue to be an unofficial policy of the state policy, and the ideology of hatred and intolerance will be promoted under the cover of religion.

Shaukat Kashmiri explains: Suffering in Balochistan-Pakistan blames those who show mirror.

 Shaukat Kashmiri explainsSuffering in Balochistan-Pakistan blames those who show mirror.


Fatima Jinnah and many other leaders were called Indian agents. It is a policy of the ruling elite not to resolve issues and oppress people, especially those who demand equality and fundamental rights.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Facts behind the incidents in Balochistan–A new proxy war. Pak army regained after 20 hours.

 Facts behind the incidents in Balochistan–A new proxy war. Pak army regained after 20 hours.

Revenge for Nawab Akbar Bugti. Was the Chinese army Chief in Pakistan? How many were killed?

Friday 23 August 2024

Imran Khan is a threat to the State. The establishment is still in control. Nothing is going to change.

 Imran Khan is a threat to the State. The establishment is still in control. Nothing is going to change.


Tanveer Zaman Khan analyses the situation in Pakistan after the Supreme Court decision. The future of Pakistan is bleak. People want to flee Pakistan.

Ghazi sb you are a proxy warrior. Promoting a Pakistani agenda is not Jihad. Kargil was a Pak agenda.

 Ghazi sb you are a proxy warrior. Promoting a Pakistani agenda is not Jihad. Kargil was a Pak agenda.


First fight for the rights of the people of POK. Your love for Pakistan shows which agenda you are promoting. POK is not a base camp.

Kashif sb, 22 Oct was a Pak agenda to occupy Kashmir. Jammu riots happened in Nov. Some Muslim soldiers betrayed oath.

 Kashif sb, 22 Oct was a Pak agenda to occupy Kashmir. Jammu riots happened in Nov. Some Muslim soldiers betrayed oath.


Pakistan wanted to occupy Kashmir, or get the State divided on religious lines.

people are struggling to survive – Pak adds to our problems—a new phase of Jihad. Bijli pact rejected.

 people are struggling to survive – Pak adds to our problems—a new phase of Jihad. Bijli pact rejected.

Investment by Murli Dharan in Kashmir will create jobs. Our struggle is still for unification and independence.

JK people don't want to join a failed state. APHC represented Pakistan and not the people of JK.

 JK people don't want to join a failed state. APHC represented Pakistan and not the people of JK.


Ershad Malik explains the situation of JK on both sides. APHC created problems for the people of Jammu and Kashmir We want unification -both countries want to divide us further.

APHC represents Pakistan-proxies are never pro-people or peace.

 APHC represents Pakistan-proxies are never pro-people or peace. Both countries have not fulfilled their pledges.


Shaukat Kashmiri says Pakistan promotes extremism and terrorism. In return, it has become a centre of Cold War battle.

No one can persuade students of Matalia e Pakistan.

 No one can persuade students of Matalia e Pakistan. Some people cannot differentiate between Azadi and Ghulami.

Jammu & Kashmir: Roles of India and Pakistan. Who is the aggressor? Who attacked first?

 Jammu & Kashmir: Roles of India and Pakistan. Who is the aggressor? Who attacked first?


When religious fanatics are calling the shots, the state cannot survive – written off. A threat to the Chief Justice is shameful.

Tanveer Zaman Khan says: The Baloch people are victims. They must be heard. Religious groups are controlling the society.

Azad Mulkh kay Zehni Ghulam. JKLF boarded the wrong train, hence the destruction and rapes.

 Azad Mulkh kay Zehni Ghulam. JKLF boarded the wrong train, hence the destruction and rapes. United JK.


Our Ultimate goal is the unification and independence of JK. The struggle must be peaceful and on the Pakistani side of the divide.

Pakistan kis ka Ghulam tha? Why did Pakistan refuse to implement the UN resolutions?

 Pakistan kis ka Ghulam tha? Why did Pakistan refuse to implement the UN resolutions? Right of accession?


JK people never had the right to self-determination. We only had a right of accession. Pakistan foot soldiers spread lies and defame true nationalists.

Was Imran Khan part of the Plot? Future of Gen Bajwa and Justice Nisar?

 Was Imran Khan part of the Plot? Future of Gen Bajwa and Justice Nisar?

Are all culprits arrested?


The future of Pakistan is still bleak. Operation clean-up has some pitfalls. Tanveer Zaman Khan analyses the dangerous situation in Pakistan.

Rapes in our societies, colleges, and universities. What should we do?

 Rapes in our societies, colleges, and universities. What should we do?


Should we cover up these horrific crimes or expose the culprits so that they could be punished?

How well are you prepared for this exam?

 How well are you prepared for this exam?

In August students eagerly wait for two results, A-level results, and GCSE results. After receiving the results some are jubilant about their success, and others are grumpy and disappointed.

On the Day of Judgement, we human beings will also be given results.

In Sura 69 the Holy Quran says:

Ayat 19 As for those given their records in their right hand, they will cry ˹happily˺, “Here ˹everyone˺! Read my record!

Ayat 25 And as for those given their record in their left hand, they will cry ˹bitterly˺, “I wish I had not been given my record,

Ayat 28 My wealth has not benefited me!

Unlike exams of GCSE and A levels, we cannot re-sit this exam but the reward and punishment of this is permanent.

How well are you prepared for this exam?