Saturday 8 December 2018

Right of expression in Pakistani occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Dr Shabir Choudhry

Right of expression in Pakistani occupied Jammu and Kashmir
Dr Shabir Choudhry    9 December 2018

Pakistan loves people of Jammu and Kashmir, especially people of Kashmir Valley. Despite other hardship, India has imposed extra ordinary burden on people of Jammu and Kashmir – allowed them to educate to the highest level and write, read and publish books on all topics of their choice.

Root cause of all problems is education and consciousness. It allows people to understand what is happening around them and why. Educated people soon become aware of their rights; and fight to obtain them. This struggle leads to harshness and miseries.

Rulers of Pakistan are very kind to people of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. The don’t want them to work hard to get degrees and understand their history and the past achievements. They want them to study text books prepared for them by Islamabad that they can become better citizens and mental slaves to serve interests of Pakistan.

Islamabad doesn’t want people to endure hardship, and afterwards get no jobs which will frustrate them. It is better that they don’t read about their past history and culture; and huge resources they have.

They want people of Gilgit Baltistan and so called Azad Kashmir to become ‘pious brothers’, whose knowledge is limited only to what Islamabad wants. Any other knowledge or know how may lead people to problems.

So, with that in mind, kind hearted rulers of Pakistan have banned all those books in POJK, which may ‘infect’ minds of people, and create problems for them in future.

With that goodwill in mind, they have banned books. What is wrong with that? Look at the good intentions. They attacked us on 22 October 1947, because they didn’t want to leave people at the mercy of a Ruler who was a non- Muslim, and who foolishly gave them identity; and wanted them to live as proud and independent citizens.
In order to achieve this ‘noble agenda’, they had to violate a written agreement. Of course, it is against Islam to break promises, and Islamabad knows that, but they have managed to justify their violation, and aggression by saying that their intention was to help Muslims of Kashmir.

Pakistan had to communalise the secular polity of Jammu and Kashmir, kill people in name of Jihad, rape women (some proudly say, only non-Muslim women were raped, as if they have no dignity and honour) some were abducted and sold in Pakistan.

With help of some collaborators and propaganda, rulers of Islamabad successfully sold this aggression, loot and plunder as a ‘jihad’, that was necessary to ‘liberate’ people of Jammu and Kashmir that they can become part of Islamic Pakistan.

Of course, they are not fools to tell people their real agenda, which was to control all the natural resources of Jammu and Kashmir, benefit from strategic position of the State; and deprive people of their national identity and sense of belonging.

Some people claim men in uniform are fools. I strongly disagree with that. I, in fact, protest against this. In my view, they are very intelligent and thinking people, and full credit goes to them. Because of their propaganda and their text books which people have to read, majority of enslaved people of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan still are unable to understand real agenda of Pakistan.

They are unable to distinguish between independence and slavery (azadi and ghulami). They still can’t differentiate between a friend and a foe. Rulers of Islamabad told people of so called Azad Kashmir that you are independent; and some fools, to date, think they are independent because the territory where they live as a prefix Azad, meaning independent.

They told people of Gilgit Baltistan that you also became independent. However, because you don’t know how to care for your affairs, we are there to help and support you, just like the British told the Mughals, you are the Ruler, we are only here to help and support you.

They told people of Jammu and Kashmir that you are occupied, and must fight against India. We will provide you with guns, money, training, bombs and bullets. We will also send jihadi volunteers from this side to help, train and support you that one day you can become a proud citizen of a fort of Islam.

To accomplish this noble cause, what if you people die and suffer. Look at the bright side – you embrace martyrdom and straight go to the Heaven where you get women of Heaven, and enormous other rewards. This life is temporary anyway, it is better that you work for the unity of Muslim Ummah, a task that has not been achieved for the past 1400 years. May be Allah wants to reward you that you sacrifice benefits of this world, and endure hardship to accomplish the noble cause of unity of Ummah.

Apart from that, they tell people, it goes to your credit that you have nailed down a large portion of the Indian army in Kashmir, and keep on bleeding them. Of course, there is a price for everything. Allah will reward you for your efforts and sacrifices. We can send more money and ammunition to ensure that your noble struggle can continue to ‘liberate’ yourself from the of the Hindu rule.

Furthermore, they say, Allah has chosen you for a bigger cause. Don’t be misled by ‘agents’ and ‘traitors’. They are working against unity of Ummah and Islam. Don’t read what they write, or listen to their video messages, as they are working on a ‘foreign agenda to harm Muslims and Pakistan’.

Also, they tell people, in order to protect innocent people from their evil designs; we have to ban their literature, which is against unity of Muslims.

They have successfully divided us on religious, regional, political and ethnic lines; and we are accusing and fighting each other. Ask yourself, who is fool – Rulers of Islamabad; or we people of Jammu and Kashmir?
Writer is a renowned writer and author of many books. He is also President Foreign Affairs Committee of UKPNP; and Chairman South Asia Watch, London.
Email:       Twitter:  @Drshabir

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